Next, a coincidence. Number theory, another area of math, uses prime numbers a lot. These are the numbers that you cannot get by multiplying two other numbers together (excluding itself and 1). The first few primes are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13... Well, it just so happens that soon our children will be 2, 3, 5, and 7. What an excellent year to love math. (And, no, this was not planned.)
Finally, a choice. The Professor would like me to give number theory a try. Since my only class in the subject was the summer we were engaged, he has a point. And so I have decided to humor him (and inject a bit of intellectual exercise into my currently mind-numbing life.) I have begun to work through a fascinating book on number theory. (It uses the Moore method, for those who care.) I find that math hasn't changed during the years I've neglected it. Whenever I don't understand a concept, I don't enjoy what I'm doing and get quite frustrated. But the minute the pieces fall into place, the beauty is breathtaking. And the pride of discovering the proper places in the puzzle leaves me both satisfied and hungry for more. I suspect this endeavor will be an on-again, off-again one that may take a long time. Yet, I hope to continue. For I've been reminded, mathematics brings me joy.