Friday, June 19, 2009

Through small and simple things...

I have been reminded this last week or two how very important little things are.

First, we must set the stage. A month ago I was exhausted, pregnant, and overwhelmed. I was facing a month during which the Professor had many work deadlines, a week long trip overseas, and work commitments that limited his available time and flexibility. His schedule would ease up just a few days before we had to move. I would be responsible for much of the preparation, packing, and details of the move. I just had to do them while taking care of the children, cleaning up messes, and, as my father-in-law says, making brains.

As we've moved, we've had more help than with any other move. Most people could only do a little bit, but all those little bits have added up to make something big and overwhelming become manageable. We've had help ranging from childcare to food to carrying heavy things to cleaning to emotional support to mowing lawns to lending ladders. Each time I knew it was too much, someone stepped in to lighten the load. Consequently, this move has been the smoothest yet. Of course, not having to travel across the country helps, as does being in the second trimester rather than either the first or postpartum. But the biggest difference has been sharing the load with so many friends, family, and neighbors. I'm extremely grateful to everyone who has blessed us. Thank you.

It has also been good to be reminded that sometimes, the little help that seems so tiny but is all I can give is enough. Even the people at church who took the time to introduce themselves and sincerely welcome us made a big difference in my week. I can do that much and, usually, a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you had help! I wanted to be there more, and am glad that others were able to do what I could not.
