Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some family conversations.

A few days ago, we were driving in the car.
Miss E:  Mom, sometime I want to go to Petsmart and buy a unicorn.
Me:  Petsmart doesn't sell unicorns.
Miss E:  Then another store that does.
Me:  We can't buy a unicorn.
Miss E:  Why not?
Me:  Unicorns aren't real.  They are pretend.
A while later...
Miss E:  Mom, are monkeys real?

Miss E:  Mom, when I grow up, I want to be a princess....when I grow up I want to be a princess that rides a unicorn.

A conversation that happens often at our house.
The Professor:  Miss M, what did you learn at school today?  Did you learn how to read?
Miss M:  Daad, I already know how to read.
The Professor:  Did you learn how to add?
Miss M:  Daad, I already know how.
The Professor:  Then what did you learn?

A few weeks ago...
The Professor:  Miss M, what did you learn at school today?  Did you learn how to read?
Miss M:  You never give up, do you?

A few weeks ago, after touring the Draper LDS temple.
Me:  Miss E, how did you feel in the Celestial room?
Miss E:  Good as new... and happy, and quiet.

A few days ago.  Note:  A year or two ago, Young A often insisted that he didn't love me.  Only the Professor.
Young A:  Mom, I love you.  I love Dad, too, but I love you more because I spend more time with you.

Saturday, during our Pi Day celebration we sat down to eat pie.  We've had quite a few birthdays lately, so Young M thought he knew what was happening.  He started singing "Happy Birthday to You."

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