Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet things.

Today, I am grateful.

I am grateful for peripheral stereo vision and sweet children. I am grateful for a curly mohawk and friends. I am grateful for naps and repentance. I am grateful for the summer. I am grateful for my husband and to be home with my kids. I am grateful for an increased appreciation of both of those blessings. I am grateful for strawberries and ice cream and cookies and milk. I am grateful for a chance to make my life and home into a comfortable, content place for my family. I am grateful for hot water. I am grateful for health.

Next, I think I will be grateful for bed.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


(Young A and Miss M long ago)
The small ones are sleeping and the smallish ones are on their way. The pink eye is quickly retreating. Calm has descended where earlier chaos reigned.

You are forewarned...

Do not wake up my baby. Otherwise I will send you to time out for the week.

And should you feel inclined to whine/cry/scream at me today, don't bother. There are five people ahead of you in line, and they have done more than enough for the next week.

Should you happen to find an extra night's sleep lying around, please send it my way. I could desperately use it.

And should you be misguided enough to want some pink eye/croupy stuff/teething?/congested cough/allergies, let me know. We've got lots and lots to share.

I keep thinking, "This has to stop sometime. I can't do this much longer." And then the Lord says, "Let's find out if you can." I'd rather not.